#How to get putty our of jeans how to
How to Get Silly Putty Out of Fabric and Clothes: 3 Ways & Step by Step Method One: Rubbing Alcohol

And let me tell you, it worked like magic. I scrambled together all that I would need, substituting rubbing alchohol for hydrogen peroxide (it was all I could find without risk of disturbing my household and being forced to explain why I needed such stuff in the middle of the night). Panicking, I googled how to remove silly putty and I discovered this gift from heaven above. I tried to scrape it out, but it seemed to have melted into the fibers. My dad is a neat freak and I knew I would be in big trouble over ruining the carpet. So when I came back to my room hours later, I found that most of the putty had dripped down onto the carpet. I don’t know if any of you have ever dealt with homemade silly putty, but let me tell you, it spreads out to a great extent when on a flat surface. However, I am a foolish girl and I left my homemade silly putty on a small bedside table unattended. I am a student in highschool and we made silly putty in class by using Elmer’s glue, water, and borax.

I have no words to describe how incredible this was. When the putty is removed and the area has been rinsed, lay a clean cloth over the area and apply pressure for a few minutes to absorb any remaining moisture.Rinse the area with a clean cloth moistened with plain water.Continue blotting at the residue until all of the putty is removed.It may help to either rub in a circular motion or blot at the area with a clean cloth. Be cautious not to push the putty further into the carpet.Use a clean cloth to gently scrub the area.It may be helpful to allow the rubbing alcohol to set for a minute on the residue, but is not always necessary.Blot the silly putty with the rubbing alcohol.Moisten a cotton ball with a good amount of rubbing alcohol.Once the majority of the putty is removed, its time to work on the small amount left behind.Start by scraping as much putty away as possible using the spoon or dull knife.Fortunately, it can be removed with a little time and effort and no damage to the carpet. Silly putty is a great toy for children of all ages, but when it meets the carpet, it quickly loses its thrill. However, the pink stain remains despite numerous treatments with Resolve and lots of elbow grease! The carpet is off-white Berber. I was able to remove the solid silly putty from the carpet.

Jamie asked: How do I remove silly putty from carpet? The stain is old.